trikbuffalokingmegaways|中国ETF净值反弹:KWEB今年涨6.33%,杠杆ETF YINN吸金1.064亿美元

Intro: Newsletter summary The recovery of China's Stock Market promotes the recovery of China's ETF net worth on overseas listi...

Newsletter summary

The recovery of China's Stock Market promotes the recovery of China's ETF net worth on overseas listingsTrikbuffalokingmegawaysLeveraged ETF YINN received significant capital inflows, and the net value of KWEB increased by 6%.Trikbuffalokingmegaways.33%. The technology sector rebounded, the electric car sector boosted investor confidence, and Chinese stocks were cheap and ample cash reserves.

Text of news flash

[the rebound of Chinese stock market leads to the rebound of ETF net worth and leverage ETF becomes the new darling of capital]

With the gradual recovery of China's stock market, the net value of China's ETF listed overseas is also showing an upward trend. According to statistics, by the end of April this year, the ETF net worth of most Chinese stocks has rebounded significantly, and the returns of some products have even changed from negative to positive in the past year. Among them, leverage ETF attracts because of its amplification effect.TrikbuffalokingmegawaysMore and more capital inflows have become the new darling of the market.

Although some ETF net worth has rebounded, capital flows show that not all products are favored by funds. On the contrary, some ETF whose net worth rebounded suffered a net outflow of capital, indicating that investor confidence in the market has not yet fully recovered.

On the American market, there are five ETF of Chinese stocks with a scale of more than 1 billion US dollars, namely, KWEB, MCHI, FXI, ASHR and YINN. Among them, the largest KWEB reached 57.Trikbuffalokingmegaways.30 million US dollars, issued by Jinrui Fund Company of the United States, tracks China's Internet index.

From the perspective of performance, ETF of Chinese stocks listed in the United States generally achieved positive returns. Among them, the net worth of KWEB, the largest, has risen 6.33 per cent so far this year, while ETF MCHI, which tracks the MSCI China index, is up 4.98 per cent over the same period.

trikbuffalokingmegaways|中国ETF净值反弹:KWEB今年涨6.33%,杠杆ETF YINN吸金1.064亿美元

In terms of capital flows, except for the leveraged ETF YINN, which attracted a net inflow of $106.4 million, the other four ETF all showed a net outflow of funds. This shows that investors are more cautious about the choice of ETF in the context of the overall pick-up in market sentiment.

The strong rebound of the technology sector is an important factor in promoting the rebound of ETF net worth. Overseas-listed Chinese technology ETF performed particularly well in the week to April 30, with several products rising more than 9 per cent in net worth.

In addition to the technology sector, a series of developments in the electric vehicle sector have also significantly boosted investor confidence. Recently, a number of overseas automakers have partnered with Chinese companies in the field of smart car technology, injecting new vitality into China's stock market.

The Chinese government's emphasis on science and technology areas such as artificial intelligence and the introduction of a series of new policies have also provided a solid foundation for the long-term development of China's science and technology stocks.

However, some institutional personages cautioned that while seeing the growth potential of China's technology stocks, the potential risks should not be ignored. The technology and Internet industries are highly dependent on government policies, and the overall growth rate of the industry has slowed down, and the growth rate of some companies is even lower than the industry average.
