alienpinball| ST Zhongnan: Xuzhou Heping Jun Qidong District will be delivered on June 30, and the west area of the project is expected to be delivered before the end of this year

Intro: Tonghuashun (300033) Financial Research Center, May 7, an investor asked questions to ST Zhongnan (000961), Secretary of the Board of D...

Tonghuashun (300033) Financial Research Center, May 7, an investor asked questions to ST Zhongnan (000961), Secretary of the Board of DirectorsalienpinballHello, the first phase of the East District of Heping Junqi Project in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province has been postponed to June 30. Can it be delivered as scheduled this time? Can the West District project be delivered as scheduled? Has this project been whitelisted?

alienpinball| ST Zhongnan: Xuzhou Heping Jun Qidong District will be delivered on June 30, and the west area of the project is expected to be delivered before the end of this year

The company replied, Hello, thank you for your attention. Xuzhou Heping Jun Qidong District will be delivered on June 30, and the west area of the project is expected to be delivered before the end of this year. The project is applying to be added to the white list of the urban real estate financing coordination mechanism. Thank you.

(: Congratulations