nodepositrealmoneyslots| In this world, we talk about the provincial market and the top two liquor companies in Jiangsu: Suzhou and Wuxi account for 45% of liquor consumption above 800 yuan, competing with Yanghe in a misplaced manner.

Intro: Financial and economic networkIt is believed that the high end of 600 yuan is the traditional dominant track of Jiangsu Liquor, which...

Financial and economic network

It is believed that the high end of 600 yuan is the traditional dominant track of Jiangsu Liquor, which reveals that the current 600-800 yuan price belt product growth rate in Jiangsu Province has slowed down slightly, but southern Jiangsu has maintained the lead in consumption in the area of more than 600 yuan or even 1000 yuan. In particular, spirits worth more than 800 yuan in Suzhou and Wuxi account for 45%, which will be the focus of enterprises.

On the morning of May 13, Shiyuan held the 2023 performance presentation meeting. At the meeting, when analyzing the price-driven state of spirits in Jiangsu Province, the Shiyuan management said that in the sub-high-end camp, the gap in the growth rate of each price belt capacity is small, but the growth rate of 600-800 yuan has slowed down slightly. Considering the sub-high-end track of 100-600 yuan, it is not only the main product series of the country and the world, but also the traditional advantage of the two strong Su wines. The company will practice a more active operation strategy, intensive farming in urban villages and towns and all channels.

It also specifically mentioned that the plate of more than 600 yuan and thousands of yuan showed a trend of leading consumption in southern Jiangsu. For example, liquor consumption of more than 800 yuan in Suzhou and Wuxi accounts for 45%. This ratio is better than the national average, and the company will raise the pace and focus on it.

Earlier, China Merchants Securities also analyzed in the Jiangsu Liquor Special Research report that "the 600 yuan price band of Su Liquor has gradually improved to a certain extent since 2019, and now accounts for more than 10% of the liquor market in the province." in some economically developed cities in southern and central Jiangsu, it has become the first choice for business introduction or banquet. " At the same time, it also pointed out that the price of 600 yuan in Jiangsu Province slowed down last year. Market perception of the slow upgrading of Su wine, 600 yuan price band growth is not obvious, the core unit price decline, 100-300 yuan mass price band growth is faster.

And "this is the reason why there is a scenario compensation for the rapid growth of mass prices. Because the wave of returning home in 2023 led to the recovery of consumption scenes such as visiting relatives and friends and public drinks, and the replenishment of scenes such as wedding banquets also drove the sky blue, and the products with a relatively high proportion of banquets performed well, and the short-term effect of investment in this price belt was more obvious. " China Merchants Securities said so.

"Last year, the leading products were Dream Blue, Sea Blue and Sky Blue from high to low.NodepositrealmoneyslotsIn terms of growth, the order from fast to slow is the blue of the sky, the blue of the dream, and the blue of the sea. " The recent investor exchange table released by Yanghe also confirmed the above market perception, saying in the announcement that the company will continue to focus on the highland market and high-end consumer groups based on long-term development, while consolidating mid-range products according to market changes. Through the combination of channel construction, team organization and market sinking, the company will strengthen its advantage and increase its share in the price band of 100-200 yuan.

In the large-scale, inclusive and diversified Su wine market, the competition pattern of the two local powers has always been a hot topic. In today's live video broadcast of the exchange meeting, some analysts asked questions about the competitive pattern of the fate of the world and Yanghe.

In this regard, the management of this world said, "Competition is the main theme of the market, and both sides have accompanied development for many years. Before 1996, everyone was still in the Dahuaiyin area of the same prefecture-level city." Over the years, people have taken the wrong route of development in products, and there has never been a situation in which you have 1000 yuan and I have 1000 yuan in products. The pricing of new products has always been misplaced. Yanghe outstanding blue tones on the packaging, with their elegant and soft. We use a lot of red, but also have a solemn atmosphere. In short, we should give full play to our strengths, enhance our strengths and circumvent our weaknesses, and contribute to the common development of Dasu wine. "

nodepositrealmoneyslots| In this world, we talk about the provincial market and the top two liquor companies in Jiangsu: Suzhou and Wuxi account for 45% of liquor consumption above 800 yuan, competing with Yanghe in a misplaced manner.

Today, Yuanyuan has achieved upgrading results in its own strong points in the provincial market. According to China Merchants Securities, the combined share of Yanghe and Shiyuan's dominant market can reach more than 60% in the sub-high-end, middle-and low-end price belts, as well as other regions outside Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou. And since last year, the Guoyuan V series has contributed to the main sales volume with V3 at a price of 600 yuan, and the company has increased the cost of V3, including concert tickets, banquet policies and other forms, while increasing investment in many places in the province. V3 has more than doubled. In the Nanjing and Huai'an markets where Guoyuan brands are relatively mature, V3 has a certain understanding and starts quickly after the scale has broken through 100 million.

In contrast to Yanghe, which concluded that "the overall performance of the market outside the province was better than that of the market in the province last year, and the competition in the province is relatively fierce at present," Yuanyuan once said bluntly in response to investors that the development of markets outside the province was not ideal, "the company first took root in Huai'an, where the enterprise is located, and then opened up other markets in the province, and finally cultivated the market in the province. For example, there is a very fertile vegetable garden on our doorstep. Why not plant it well and find a piece of barren land to show your pioneering ability? First do a good job in the surrounding market, and then gradually expand outward. "

However, Yuanyuan's determination to invest in markets outside the province has never changed. In today's performance exchange, it said, "the revenue challenge target of 15 billion yuan in 2025 was put forward by the company in 2020." We have mentioned this goal again recently, and our confidence mainly comes from the solid development foundation achieved by our long-term adherence to strategic high-dimensional, cultural leadership, quality support and value success since our inception in 1996. it comes from the good development potential energy presented by the current market inside and outside the province. "

In terms of investment in development outside the province, Jinshiyuan once said that the company is "ready to continue to invest unprofitable outside the province for 3-5 years, and we still hope that the markets around Jiangsu can be integrated with Jiangsu for a long time."

As for the cost pressure brought about by increasing investment, today's Shiyuan management mentioned that the company's cost investment has generally maintained a steady increase and is appropriately adjusted in accordance with strategic objectives and regional market planning. And in the future, the cost budget will be arranged reasonably under the guidance of market competition.

(integrated from Shanghai Roadshow, China Merchants Securities, Jinshiyuan, Yanghe shares)
