discordcryptogames| On May 22, ST Ruide issued an announcement that its shareholders increased their holdings by 20,800 shares

Intro: Securities Star news, on May 22, ST Reid issued an announcement "ST Reiddiscordcryptogames:ST Ruide's Announcement on the Plan to Incre...

Securities Star news, on May 22, ST Reid issued an announcement "ST Reiddiscordcryptogames:ST Ruide's Announcement on the Plan to Increase Shares by Some Directors and Managers ", its shareholder Ye Nan increased her shareholding by a total of 20,800 shares on May 22, 2024, accounting for 0.0008% of the company's current total share capital. During the change period, the stock price rose 5.38%, closing at 1.37 yuan as of May 22.

Details of the increase or decrease in shareholders 'holdings are shown in the following table:

The details of the top ten shareholders announced according to ST Read's 2024 quarterly report are as follows:

discordcryptogames| On May 22, ST Ruide issued an announcement that its shareholders increased their holdings by 20,800 shares

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