crouchingtigerhiddendragonswordofdestiny2016| The number of mini funds exceeds 1000, only accounting for 10%: the only way for high-quality development of the public offering industry

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[the number of mini-funds accounts for only 10% of the total market. The industry is facing "growth troubles" when it moves towards high-quality development.] news on April 29thCrouchingtigerhiddendragonswordofdestiny2016The quarterly report of public offering funds in 2024 was disclosed.Crouchingtigerhiddendragonswordofdestiny2016There are more than 1000 mini-funds with a net value of less than 50 million yuan after the combined share, accounting for about 10% of the total market funds. With the transformation of the industry from rapid growth to high-quality development, how to deal with mini-funds has become a major problem faced by many fund companies. From the point of view of the industry, streamlining and optimization and eliminating backwardness are the key steps for the industry to achieve high-quality development. Through the withdrawal of funds with poor long-term performance and small scale, the integration of investment and research resources is beneficial to the long-term development of the industry. (Shanghai Stock Exchange News)

It is reported that the departure or retention of mini-funds has aroused widespread concern in the fund industry. At the current time when the industry is moving towards high-quality development, how to effectively deal with a large number of mini-funds has become a common challenge for large and small fund companies. It is generally believed that the industry is in a critical period from the pursuit of scale growth to the pursuit of quality improvement, and eliminating turnips and survival of the fittest is the only way to achieve high-quality development.

Specifically, people in the industry believe that funds with poor long-term performance and small scale should be withdrawn in order to integrate and optimize investment and research resources, improve fund performance and achieve high-quality development of the industry. In this regard, some fund companies have begun to act. According to people familiar with the matter, some fund companies have formulated corresponding fund withdrawal plans to evaluate their mini-funds and start the withdrawal process in due course.

crouchingtigerhiddendragonswordofdestiny2016| The number of mini funds exceeds 1000, only accounting for 10%: the only way for high-quality development of the public offering industry

It is worth noting that the withdrawal of the mini-fund is not an easy task and may face resistance from many aspects. First of all, fund companies need to deal with the problem of communication with investors and properly handle the follow-up of the withdrawal of funds to avoid causing dissatisfaction among investors. Secondly, fund companies also need to deal with the legal and regulatory risks that may arise in the process of withdrawal. In addition, the withdrawal of the mini-fund will also have an impact on the fund company's investment and research resource allocation and the overall strategic layout, which requires the fund company to make prudent decisions and careful planning.

Generally speaking, the withdrawal of mini-funds is a systematic and complex work, which requires the joint efforts of fund companies, regulators, investors and so on. However, it is generally believed that through the withdrawal of mini-funds and the optimization and integration of investment and research resources, it is expected to promote the high-quality development of the fund industry, provide investors with more high-quality and professional asset management services, and achieve win-win results.
