pennfierce3handle|大家乐集团收盘涨近5% 预计3月底止全年度纯利增至3.3亿元

Intro: Coral Group (00341) rose 4.5 percent in late tradingpennfierce3handle.8%pennfierce3handle, now reported 8pennfierce3handle.52 Hong K...

pennfierce3handle|大家乐集团收盘涨近5% 预计3月底止全年度纯利增至3.3亿元

Coral Group (00341) rose 4.5 percent in late tradingpennfierce3handle.8%pennfierce3handle, now reported 8pennfierce3handle.52 Hong Kong dollars, with a turnover of 20.2162 million Hong Kong dollars.

Cafe de Coral Group announced its earnings and expects to record a net profit of approximately 330 million yuan for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, which is compared with the fiscal year 2023.pennfierce3handleAn increase of nearly 199%, and if government funding during the epidemic is excluded, it is expected to increase by about 3.7 times. The Group explained that this was mainly due to the higher profits recorded by businesses in China Hong Kong and mainland China during the period, and the significant improvement in profit margins.
