pokerroomnearme|上百名清华校友校外聚餐食物中毒后,涉事餐厅已停业 海淀区市场监督管理局:正在配合区卫健委调查

Intro: Every May 6 (Reporter Yu Yilang) recently, hundreds of Tsinghua alumni gathered for off-campus food poisoning. On the afternoon of May...

Every May 6 (Reporter Yu Yilang) recently, hundreds of Tsinghua alumni gathered for off-campus food poisoning. On the afternoon of May 6, a reporter from the Daily Economic News found at the scene that the restaurant involved, Beijing Zuiai Fashion Restaurant Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zuiai Restaurant), had been closed.

Source: each photo taken by reporter Yu Yilang

A staff member of the publicity Section of the District Office of Haidian Municipal Supervision Bureau told the Daily Economic News: "We are now cooperating with the District Health Commission to conduct an investigation, and we are still dealing with it. After the processing (results) come out, there will be a unified release."

Recently, a "proposal to all alumni and teachers and students" on the social platform has attracted attention. The proposal mentions that from April 26 to 28, during the 113th anniversary of Tsinghua University, alumni from many places participated in school celebration activities and successively went to a restaurant outside the southeast gate of the university, and hundreds of alumni suffered food poisoning. The date of registration is May 1.

At noon on May 6, the reporter dialed the enterprise contact number provided by Jiuai Restaurant in the 2023 annual report. The operator said, "there is a meeting at this time, and we are now cooperating with the relevant departments to check."

pokerroomnearme|上百名清华校友校外聚餐食物中毒后,涉事餐厅已停业 海淀区市场监督管理局:正在配合区卫健委调查

At about 3 p.m. on May 6, a reporter from the Daily Economic News came to Block An of Dongsheng Building and went to the third floor through the staircase. The entrance to the restaurant on the third floor is closed, and a "notice" is posted above the doorknob, indicating "the third floor is closed". The same "notice" is also posted in the upper right corner of the front desk of Zuiai Restaurant on the first floor of Block An of Dongsheng Building. The reporter found that a metal sign was placed on the left side of the front desk of Jiuai Restaurant, which was branded with the scarlet words "quality Food demonstration Restaurant". The sign was signed by "China Cuisine Association".

The second floor is another restaurant, the front desk of the restaurant is also located on the first floor, the reporter asked the staff of the restaurant on the second floor about the current situation of the restaurant on the third floor as a consumer. The receptionist of the restaurant on the second floor said, "it's all right, I can't run."PokerroomnearmeYou can rest assured that the leader is still here, some people are still here today, and there are still people here this morning.

A reporter from the Daily Business News found that there was a recruitment poster for the restaurant on the first floor. The reporter tried to contact Manager Hao and Manager Li under the recruitment poster by phone and text message, but there was no reply as of the press release.

What is the current situation of hundreds of Tsinghua alumni who have food poisoning? How far is the mediation between the restaurant involved and the victims? In response to the above problems, on the afternoon of May 6, the reporter contacted the propaganda Department of Tsinghua Alumni Association by phone and email, but there was no reply as of the press release.

Daily economic news
