hoffreecoins2021| What is the relationship between the foreign exchange middle price and the foreign exchange market?

Intro: In the foreign exchange market, the intermediate price of foreign exchange is an important concept, which has an important impact on th...

In the foreign exchange market, the intermediate price of foreign exchange is an important concept, which has an important impact on the foreign exchange market. Next,Hoffreecoins2021We will discuss in detail the relationship between the midpoint of foreign exchange and the foreign exchange market.

oneHoffreecoins2021. The definition of the midpoint of foreign exchange

The midpoint of foreign exchange refers to the exchange rate between one currency and another in the foreign exchange market. It is determined comprehensively according to factors such as the relationship between market supply and demand and the central bank's foreign exchange policy.

two。 The formation Mechanism of Foreign Exchange Intermediate Price

The formation mechanism of the intermediate price of foreign exchange is generally determined by the central bank or the foreign exchange market management department according to the market supply and demand, balance of payments, the scale of foreign exchange reserves, economic fundamentals and other factors, and announced through the interbank foreign exchange market.

3. The influence of Foreign Exchange Intermediate Price on Foreign Exchange Market

The midpoint of foreign exchange has an important impact on the foreign exchange market. First of all, the midpoint of foreign exchange is the benchmark of the market exchange rate, which provides reference and guidance for the trading of the foreign exchange market. Secondly, the change of foreign exchange midpoint has an impact on foreign exchange market trading volume and investor expectations. When the midpoint of foreign exchange rises, investors may expect the country's currency to appreciate, increasing demand for the country's currency and vice versa.

4. Participants in the foreign exchange market

Participants in the foreign exchange market include banks, multinational corporations, investors, central banks and government agencies. These participants trade in the foreign exchange market, and their trading behavior is affected by the intermediate price of foreign exchange and the relationship between supply and demand in the market.

5. The midpoint of foreign exchange and exchange rate fluctuation

The fluctuation of the midpoint of foreign exchange also has a certain impact on the exchange rate. When the fluctuation of the midpoint of foreign exchange is large, it may lead to the volatility of the market exchange rate, thus affecting economic activities such as import and export trade, cross-border investment and international capital flows.

In order to more intuitively show the changes in the central parity rate of foreign exchange, we can use tables to explain. The following is a table of changes in the midpoint of foreign exchange for some major currencies:

hoffreecoins2021| What is the relationship between the foreign exchange middle price and the foreign exchange market?

Currency September foreign exchange midpoint October foreign exchange midpoint November foreign exchange midpoint US $6.5 6.6 6.7 euro 7.8 7.9 8.0 yen 0.06 0.07 0.08

Through the above table, we can see the fluctuations of the foreign exchange midpoint in different months, so as to have a certain understanding of the changing trend of the foreign exchange market.

In short, there is a close relationship between the intermediate price of foreign exchange and the foreign exchange market. The formation mechanism of the foreign exchange midpoint, the impact on the foreign exchange market, the participants in the foreign exchange market and the knowledge of foreign exchange midpoint and exchange rate fluctuations have important reference value for investors and participants in related economic activities.
