pennfierceiii8000spinningreel| Jiayuan Services (01153): Integrity ability and character review is in progress, and shares continue to be suspended

Intro: News summary During the suspension of trading in the stock price of Jiayuan Services (01153), the board of directors dem...

News summary

During the suspension of trading in the stock price of Jiayuan Services (01153), the board of directors demonstrated the requirements of the Stock Exchange, emphasizing the need to prove the integrity and ability of management and maintain market confidence. Independent investigations continue, and the company actively cooperates and takes timely remedial measures.

Newsletter text

Jiayuan Services (01153) Disclosure of New Guidelines for Management Evaluation

[Jiayuan Services issued a request to the Stock Exchange on May 13pennfierceiii8000spinningreelIn response to the new guidelines], clearly stating that the company's board of directors is informing potential investors of assessments of management's integrity, ability and character, so as to dispel the doubts of regulators and investors and maintain market confidence from being damaged.

pennfierceiii8000spinningreel| Jiayuan Services (01153): Integrity ability and character review is in progress, and shares continue to be suspended

Currently,[independent investigation and internal control review are being carried out in depth]. Jiayuan Services works closely with relevant consulting agencies to jointly supervise these evaluation processes and will take corresponding remedial measures when necessary to ensure the transparency and credibility of company management.

[Therefore, the company's shares are suspended] until all necessary review and evaluation work are completed and the Stock Exchange expresses satisfaction with the resumption of trading in the company's shares.
