catscrasharenaturbostarsyandex| Keep capital increase and share repurchase up to HK$100 million: cash and cash equivalents reach RMB 1.6 billion

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[Keep Company announced an additional investment of HK$100 million to implement a share repurchase plan] May 20catscrasharenaturbostarsyandexSports technology company Keep revealedcatscrasharenaturbostarsyandex, the company plans to increase the amount of the share repurchase program to HK$100 million. Previously, Keep had launched its first round of financing plan with a repurchase amount of HK$16 million and a completion rate of 90%. The latest announcement pointed out that the investment in this round of repurchase will come from its own financial resources other than the initial public offering (IPO). According to Keep's latest annual report, as of December 31, 2023, the company held cash and cash equivalents as high as RMB 1.6 billion.

catscrasharenaturbostarsyandex| Keep capital increase and share repurchase up to HK0 million: cash and cash equivalents reach RMB 1.6 billion
