extrajuicymegaways| Local changes in high-speed connector concept Dingtong Technology rose by more than 10%

Intro: Gelonghui May 23| Local change in high-speed connector concept in the afternoonextrajuicymegaways, Dingtong Technology and Huafeng Tech...

Gelonghui May 23| Local change in high-speed connector concept in the afternoonextrajuicymegaways, Dingtong Technology and Huafeng Technology both rose more than 10%, while Yihua Shares, Yidong Electronics, Bowei Alloy, etc. quickly followed suit. In terms of news, NVIDIA CEO Huang Renxun said that Blackwell architecture chips are expected to bring a lot of revenue this year;Blackwell architecture chips will be shipped in the second quarter and will increase production in the third quarter. According to agency estimates, the total amount of copper used by a single GB200 NVL72 is about 1extrajuicymegaways.36 tons, and it is estimated that the shipments of GB200 NVL72 to the applied copper volume from 2024 to 2026 will be 0.41/6.79/108,700 tons respectively.

extrajuicymegaways| Local changes in high-speed connector concept Dingtong Technology rose by more than 10%
