pokervideoonline| Stock technical analysis: How to identify the main trends

Intro: In the stock marketPokervideoonlineIt is important for investors to know how to identify the main forces. The identification of the mai...

In the stock marketPokervideoonlineIt is important for investors to know how to identify the main forces. The identification of the main trend can help investors to better grasp the market trend, so as to make more informed investment decisions. This article will introduce you in detail how to identify the main trend from the point of view of technical analysis.

I. Trading volume analysis

Trading volume is one of the important indicators to identify the trend of the main force. When trading volume is abnormal, investors need to be vigilant. For example, when the trading volume of stocks suddenly increases sharply, while the stock price does not change significantly, it may be that the main funds are quietly being raised. On the contrary, if the trading volume suddenly falls sharply and the stock price rises sharply, it may be that the main funds are quietly shipping.

pokervideoonline| Stock technical analysis: How to identify the main trends

2. Analysis of price trend

Price trend is also an important means to identify the main force trend. The intervention of the main funds will often lead to abnormal fluctuations in the stock price. Investors can judge whether there is the intervention of the main capital through the analysis of the price trend. For example, when stock prices continue to rise in low areas and significantly outperform the market, it may be that the main funds are actively involved. Similarly, if share prices continue to fall in high areas, and the decline is significantly higher than the market, it may be a quiet withdrawal of the main funds.

III. K-diagram analysis

K chart is an important tool for investors to analyze the trend of stocks. Through the K chart, investors can directly understand the price trend and trading volume changes of the stock. The intervention of the main funds will often leave a clear trace on the K-chart. For example, when there is a continuous positive line on the K chart, and the trading volume also increases, it may be that the main funds are actively involved. On the contrary, if there is a continuous Yin line on the K chart, and the trading volume decreases accordingly, it may be that the main funds are quietly evacuating.

IV. Trend line analysis

Trend line is another important means to identify the trend of the main force. When the stock price runs along a certain trend line, if there is a sudden obvious breakthrough, it may be the main capital operating. For example, when the stock price runs above the upward trend line and suddenly falls below the upward trend line, it may be the main capital in the shipping operation. Similarly, if the stock price runs below the downward trend line and suddenly breaks through the downward trend line, it may be that the main funds are attracting funds.

Here are some common technical analysis tools for investors' reference:

Technical analysis tool function trading volume judgment main capital inflow and outflow price trend judgment main capital intervention and withdrawal K chart understand stock price trend and trading volume change trend line judge stock price breakthrough and main capital operation

It should be noted that technical analysis is only a means to help investors identify major trends, and does not guarantee 100% accuracy. Investors also need to combine other factors, such as corporate fundamentals, macroeconomic conditions, etc., to make a comprehensive judgment and make more reasonable investment decisions.
