pokerplayingcards| The next outlet may be these five outstanding "green power" stocks

Intro: In recent years, with the strict control of carbon emissions in China, the development of green power has attracted more and more atten...

In recent years, with the strict control of carbon emissions in China, the development of green power has attracted more and more attention. China is highly dependent on non-clean and non-renewable energy, resulting in a large number of carbon emissions to pollute the environment, so green power has become the top priority to reduce carbon emissions. How to develop green electricity? First of all, the establishment of a unified management market is the key. At present, 80% of China's green power resources are distributed in the western region, so it is necessary to open up the market road, purchase green power from the western region, and develop green power through the establishment of unified market management. Secondly, it is very important to promote the implementation of the relevant system. Although China has relevant policies and regulations, but the implementation is still not satisfactory, we need to strengthen efforts to promote the implementation and standardize the green power industry standards. In addition, strengthening the publicity of Green Power can not be ignored. Consumers are an important source of power for the market, and onlyPokerplayingcardsThey understand the benefits of green power in order to promote the sustainable development of green power. In the field of green power, Zhongke Environmental Protection, first Hi-Tech, Changqing Group (002616), Evergrande Hi-tech (002591) and Guangyu Development (000537) and other companies have contributed to different forms of green power production and development, which are worthy of attention and support. May green power inject more power into the future energy development of our country.

pokerplayingcards| The next outlet may be these five outstanding "green power" stocks

Stock name Evergrande Hi-tech, Evergreen Group, China Science and Technology Environmental Protection Plate name Green Power key words Green Power Development, carbon emissions Control, Green Power Resources bullish and bearish (bullish) Green Power is an important direction for future development. With the improvement of environmental awareness and policy support, green power will become the field that more enterprises pay attention to and invest in. Chinese stock market: the next tuyere may be the risk tips of these five "green power" blue chip stocks and Xun optional stocks: the above content is only the views of the author or guests and does not represent any position of Hexun. Does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.