gamemobileblockchain| Heavy weight, bad news has landed!

Intro: The index is green today, but 3468 stocks are up, with a median of + 0Gamemobileblockchain.62%, the profit-making effect is picking up....

The index is green today, but 3468 stocks are up, with a median of + 0Gamemobileblockchain.62%, the profit-making effect is picking up.Gamemobileblockchain! However, domestic capital has run more than 6 billion, foreign capital has lost more than 10 billion, and the capacity has shrunk to just over 800 billion, which is not easy to do. Since the closure of Beixiang Capital was disclosed in real time, foreigners have been running every day. What do you mean? Is the fake foreign investment completely gone, or is the real foreign investment also Buddhist? Throughout the day, I was dizzy by the electric fan. KTV was high yesterday, but he was pressed to the ICU ward today. There is news to stimulate the plate will pop out in the market, but if there is no relay, it will rise and fall! In short, the market is lacklustre these two days, trading volume is also sluggish. First, under the influence of northward funds, funds have become headless flies; second, hot money is afraid of stepping on lightning ST, so they do not dare to move.

But after all, these are short-lived. After two days, everyone gets used to it, and hot topics should be fried. This is the urine nature of Da A. Aijun believes that there is no big risk in the index, but the trading volume can not be enlarged, so we should be cautious. After all, the magic of A shares is that the index is at 3100, but your account is at 2600; the money is endless, but it will lose money! Likong landed! The United States responds to tariffs imposed on Chinese electric vehicles. The US side released the results of the four-year review of the 301 tariff on China, announcing that on the basis of the original tariff, further increase tariffs on electric vehicles, lithium batteries, photovoltaic batteries, key minerals, semiconductors, steel and aluminum, port cranes, personal protective equipment and other products imported from China.

The Chinese side firmly opposes and solemnly makes representations. Comments: the biggest news tonight is the landing of the US tariff rules. Laomi imposed tariffs on 18 billion US dollars of Chinese goods, including electric cars, semiconductors, batteries, key minerals, solar (000591) batteries and cranes. Among them, the tariff on electric vehicles has been raised to 100% from the current 25%, a direct quadrupling. The Chinese side also responded. First, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that China will take all necessary measures to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests. The Ministry of Commerce also spoke out tonight that China will take resolute measures to defend its own rights and interests.

This shows that the Chinese side should have specific countermeasures, what big moves will it take? "I don't want to see a major response from China to tax increases," Yellen said today. It means we can only be beaten, but not allowed to fight back. These politicians in the United States are too arrogant. To tell you the truth, our products are not exported to the United States, the real impact is limited, and most of them just add "loneliness". What we fear most now is that Europe will follow, and it will have a greater long-term impact on the exports of advantageous industries such as electric vehicles, photovoltaic and lithium power. For A-shares, the news had been expected before, and today it was a bad day.

gamemobileblockchain| Heavy weight, bad news has landed!

Keywords tariff, US, plus levy, bullish and bearish (bullish) because Tencent Holdings' first-quarter financial performance is excellent, revenue and net profit are higher than expected, the performance is solid and heavy, and the bearish profit has hit the ground! Hexun self-selected Stock Writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.