starwarsbattlepodforsale| Summary of the headlines on the front page of the four major securities newspapers on May 21

Intro: Special topic: the essence of four Securities NewspapersStock speculation to see Jin Kirin analyst research report, authoritative, pro...

Special topic: the essence of four Securities Newspapers

Stock speculation to see Jin Kirin analyst research report, authoritative, professional, timely, comprehensive, to help you tap the potential of the theme opportunity!

On Tuesday, May 21, the main contents of today's headlines are as follows:

China Securities News

To eliminate the blocking points of urban digital transformation and the reform of proper number has surfaced.

A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National data Bureau, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Natural Resources jointly issued "on deepening the Development of Smart cities and promoting the Transformation of Global Digitalization of cities"StarwarsbattlepodforsaleGuidance ". Among them, the "guiding opinions" put forward the appropriate number of reforms for the first time. In this regard, Lu Dongsen, deputy director of the Digital economy Department of the State data Bureau, said that the proper reform is to remove institutional barriers and blocking points that hinder the development of urban digital transformation.

National fiscal revenue maintained restorative growth in the first four months.

The operation of fiscal revenue and expenditure in April 2024 published on the website of the Ministry of Finance shows that from January to April, the national general public budget revenue was 8.0926 trillion yuan, which continued to maintain a restorative growth trend after deducting the influence of special factors; the national general public budget expenditure was 8.9483 trillion yuan, an increase of 3. 5% over the same period last year.Starwarsbattlepodforsale.5%. At the same time, government bonds, including ultra-long-term special treasury bonds and new special bonds, are stepping up efforts to expand investment and stabilize the economy. The launch of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds and the acceleration of new special bonds issuance are conducive to ensuring the sources of funds for major projects and laying a solid foundation for economic recovery.

Ultra-long-term special treasury bonds open channels for individual purchase

On May 20, some banks opened channels for the purchase of 30-year ultra-long-term special treasury bonds to individual investors. A reporter from the China Securities News learned that the quota of some banks had been sold out before the end of the allowed purchase time. Industry insiders suggest that the duration of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds is longer, and investors should pay attention to the difference between bookkeeping treasury bonds and savings treasury bonds when buying.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange held a forum on rational investment, value investment and long-term investment.

The heads of the participating organizations unanimously expressed that we should always adhere to the political and popular nature of financial work, return to the origin of the industry, and properly handle the relationship between functionality and profitability. Thoroughly implement the concept of "customer-centered" and practice the concept of "three investments" with practical actions. They have said that the landing of the concept of "three investments" depends on the simultaneous efforts of both sides of investment and financing, and suggest that the policies, products and service systems that meet the needs of medium-and long-term funds should be continuously improved, and the policies and measures of accounting, finance and taxation, and the assessment of state-owned assets should be optimized. we will continue to promote more products to be included in the personal pension list, vigorously develop indices and indexed investments, and meet the policies, mechanisms, allocation and risk control needs of long-term funds entering the market. To form a positive situation of balanced development of investment and financing and benign interaction.

Shanghai Securities News

Build a solid industrial foundation and issue high-quality development policies for manufacturing industries

Manufacturing industry is the lifeblood of national economy. Recently, policies to promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry have been issued in many places, involving high-end industries, high-quality products, and high competitiveness of enterprises, so as to inject a steady stream of momentum to consolidate and enhance the rebounding trend of the industrial economy.

Establish the concept of rational investment, value investment and long-term investment. Shanghai Stock Exchange makes systematic efforts to promote investor protection.

The responsible persons of the participating organizations unanimously said that it is necessary to always adhere to the political and popular nature of financial work, return to the origin of the industry, properly handle the relationship between functionality and profitability, and thoroughly implement the concept of "customer-centered". Practice the concept of "three investments" with practical actions.

What is the difference in the policy of trade-in for new consumer goods in the new round?

The reporter combed and found that the new round of trade-in puts more emphasis on "replacing the old" and on the convenience of "getting rid of the old". In the process of implementing the policy, it emphasizes respecting the wishes of consumers and making efforts with precision.

Increase foreign holdings and increase positions in China's bond market for eight consecutive months at a steady pace

The enthusiasm of foreign investors in allocating RMB assets continues to run high. Foreign institutions held 4.05 trillion yuan of bonds in the interbank market as of the end of April, accounting for 2.9 percent of the total custodian volume of the interbank bond market, according to data released by the Shanghai headquarters of the people's Bank of China. According to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, foreign investors bought 124.7 billion yuan of domestic bonds and 45.1 billion yuan of stocks in April. This is the eighth month in a row that foreign institutional investors have increased their holdings of Chinese bonds.

Securities Times

The four departments jointly issued articles to promote the transformation of urban digitization.

Wu Xiaoning, director of the Digital economy Department of the State data Bureau, said that the so-called "global digital transformation" is to give full play to the role of basic resources and innovation engine of data. reshape the technological structure of smart cities as a whole, systematically change the urban management process, promote the deep integration of production and cities, and promote the comprehensive landing of digital China construction in cities.

China's fiscal revenue maintained a restorative growth in the first four months.

On May 20, the Ministry of Finance released the fiscal revenue and expenditure in April 2024. Data show that from January to April, the national general public budget revenue reached 8.0926 trillion yuan, an increase of about 2% compared with the same period last year after deducting the influence of special factors. On the whole, fiscal revenue maintained a trend of restorative growth in the first four months.

Three departments guide and improve the supply chain management of manufacturing enterprises

The Guide proposes to promote the sharing and sharing of factor resources in an all-round way. Enterprises are encouraged to explore innovative and diversified development and sharing models, and to integrate and open the sharing of R & D design, production equipment, data information, inspection and testing, warehousing and transportation and other essential resources. Exchange information on the chain with financial institutions, coordinate to promote supply chain financial services, and enhance the real economy and security risk prevention capacity of financial services.

Make great efforts to develop REITs business, serve the high-quality development of real economy

Since the REITs pilot project of infrastructure public offering in China was officially launched in April 2020, the relevant systems and rules have been continuously improved, the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate has become higher and higher, and investors have a deeper understanding of the products. China Merchants Securities attaches great importance to REITs business, active layout, is the first batch of REITs IPO and the first batch of expanded participants. Combined with practice and research, the company puts forward further thoughts and suggestions on promoting the high-quality development of REITs business from three aspects: promoting quality and expansion, improving asset investment and transportation management capacity, and improving ecological construction.

Securities Daily

The four departments jointly issued articles to promote the transformation of urban digitization.

On the afternoon of May 20, the National Data Bureau held a special press conference to introduce the relevant situation of the Guiding Opinions. Wu Xiaoning, director of the Digital Economics Department of the National Data Administration, said that "global digital transformation" means giving full play to the role of data as basic resources and innovation engines, comprehensively improving the integrity, systematicness, and synergy of urban digital transformation, and integrating and developing data through data utilization, throughout the entire process of urban planning, construction, management, service, and operation, comprehensively reshaping the technical architecture of smart cities, systematically transforming urban management processes, and integrating them to promote the deep integration of industry and city. Promote the high-quality development of modern cities and promote the comprehensive implementation of digital China construction in cities.

"Little Giant" Wanda Bearing released today and won the first code of "Paragraph 920" of the Beijing Stock Exchange

starwarsbattlepodforsale| Summary of the headlines on the front page of the four major securities newspapers on May 21

The first securities code was picked up by Wanda Bearing after the Beijing Stock Exchange launched the 920 code segment function. The online subscription time for this issue of Wanda Bearings is May 21, the issue price is 20.74 yuan/share, and the issue P/E ratio is 14 times. According to the latest regulations of the Beijing Stock Exchange, the issue code is equivalent to the securities code, that is, investors only need to use the securities code "920002" when purchasing Wanda Bearings shares online.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange held a symposium on rational investment, value investment, and long-term investment to systematically promote insurance coverage

The heads of the participating institutions unanimously stated that they must always adhere to the political and people-oriented nature of financial work, return to the origin of the industry, and properly handle the relationship between functionality and profitability. Deeply implement the "customer-centered" concept and practice the "three investments" concept with practical actions. They pointed out that the implementation of the "three investments" concept depends on the simultaneous efforts of both sides of investment and financing. They suggested continuing to improve policies, products and service systems that meet medium and long-term capital needs, and optimizing policies and measures in accounting, finance and taxation, and state-owned assets assessment. Continue to promote the inclusion of more products in the personal pension list, vigorously develop index and indexed investment, meet the policies, mechanisms, allocation and risk control needs of long-term funds entering the market, and form a positive trend of balanced development and positive interaction between investment and financing.

The second anniversary of the implementation of science and technology innovation bonds: significant scale growth and continuous optimization of the structure. The cumulative issuance scale of 500 products exceeds 410 billion yuan

According to statistics from Wind Information, as of May 20, 2024, the exchange bond market has issued a total of 500 science and technology innovation bonds (based on the identification of science and technology innovation bonds in the bond name as the screening criterion), with a total issuance scale exceeding 410 billion yuan, involving a total of 194 issuing companies. From the perspective of issuance methods, publicly issued bonds account for the vast majority and the issuance period has been lengthened; from the perspective of the nature of issuers, while state-owned enterprises are still the "main force", private enterprises are more enthusiastic about issuing.
