centipedearcade| Guidelines for securities companies 'bidding reports issued: Standardize processes and improve reporting quality

Intro: News summary China Securities Association issued the "Guidelines" to standardize the bidding reportcentipedearcade, impr...

News summary

China Securities Association issued the "Guidelines" to standardize the bidding reportcentipedearcade, improve the accuracy of brokerage forecasts and analyst independence, and help the healthy development of the secondary market.

Newsletter text

Major guidelines for the securities industry issued: Standardize the bidding reporting process

centipedearcade| Guidelines for securities companies 'bidding reports issued: Standardize processes and improve reporting quality

On May 24, the China Securities Association issued the "Guidelines for Conduct of Securities Companies Providing Investment Value Research Reports", which aims to more strictly regulate the preparation process of bid price reports and ensure that these reports play a key role in the pricing of new share offerings. The guidance emphasizes the principles that brokers must follow when writing bid reports, pointing out that there are currently problems in the market such as uneven report quality, large forecast deviations and insufficient analyst independence.

The release of the guidelines reflects the importance that the China Securities Association attaches to the transparency and fairness of the securities market. It aims to improve the quality and reliability of bid reports by strengthening regulations to safeguard the interests of investors and the healthy development of the market. This measure is expected to have a profound impact on the secondary market, especially during the IPO and pricing process.
