genshinroulettewheel| Easy Cloud (02416) granted 11.6389 million share options: stock par value of US$0.00005

Intro: Newsletter summary Easy Point Cloud (02416) in accordance with the 2023 share plan on April 26th, 2024.Genshinroulettewh...

Newsletter summary

Easy Point Cloud (02416) in accordance with the 2023 share plan on April 26th, 2024.GenshinroulettewheelTo award 1163 to 175 participantsGenshinroulettewheel890,000 share options, subscribing for common shares with a face value of $0.00005, waiting for the grantee to accept.

Text of news flash

Easy Point Cloud (02416) granted a total of 11.6389 million share options to its 175employees on April 26th

Easy Point Cloud (02416) announced an equity incentive plan. Under the 2023 share plan, the company granted a total of 11.6389 million share options to 175 eligible participants on April 26, 2024. These options are intended to subscribe for common shares of $0.00005 each in the share capital of the company, but will not take effect until accepted by the grantee.

genshinroulettewheel| Easy Cloud (02416) granted 11.6389 million share options: stock par value of US<p>.00005

The purpose of the equity incentive scheme is to reward and retain key employees while stimulating their enthusiasm and creativity. Through this measure, easy Point Cloud shows its importance to its employees and confidence in the future development of the company.

For investors in the secondary market, this development of easy Point Cloud may attract attention, which reflects the company's investment and incentive mechanism for internal talent. Investors may assess the details of the plan and its potential share price impact.

{html}The grant of the share option can also be seen as the company's optimistic expectation of the market outlook and attention to the stability of the core team. Investors can pay close attention to the future stock price performance and performance report of easy Point Cloud.{html}